
Our charity partners.

Pennies micro-donations raise millions of pounds for charity, and make a huge difference in communities across the UK and internationally.

Benefiting hundreds of charities.

Customers have supported hundreds of charities with their Pennies donations to date: from local causes working hard in their communities, to national charities and household names providing vital services to people throughout the UK, Republic of Ireland and across the world.

Start your journey now.

From retail, hospitality and technology brands looking to make a real difference, to charities looking to boost their impact, now is your chance to join the micro-donation movement.


Collect micro-donations at the point of sale and deliver real social impact

Find the right micro-donation solution for your business


Work with Pennies and your corporate partners to receive digital donations for your charity

Use our micro-donation solutions in your own charity shops and online

Payments + Tech

Find out more about being a Pennies solution partner

About us


Supporting the micro-donation movement

Our vision, mission and what we do

Creating impact on behalf of the sector

Meet the dedicated team

Meet our trustee board

Industry support for Pennies

Recognition for Pennies

How our work is funded

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