
Screwfix joins forces with Pennies to boost its fundraising for Everyman

Screwfix has become the fourth retailer this month to join the Pennies movement.  It is wonderful to introduce micro-donations to a new audience in support of the Everyman appeal, which resonates so well with Screwfix customers.

Posted by Pennies

Published 22 March, 2012

Screwfix customers can now donate their spare change to raise awareness of prostate and testicular cancer through Pennies, the electronic charity box. The trade supplier has added Pennies to their website, which lets its customers round up their total order to the nearest pound for the Everyman appeal and other UK charities.

Screwfix has been working with Everyman since 2009, raising much needed money and awareness for the appeal which was set up by The Institute of Cancer Research in 1997 to eradicate testicular and prostate cancer. Over the last two years, Screwfix has used its profile in the male dominated construction industry to make men more aware of the symptoms of prostate and testicular cancer, and the serious health implications of not detecting the signs early.

Everyman receives 75% of donations from Screwfix.  The remaining 25% will be shared amongst other UK charities, including Shelter, Together for Short Lives and the Children’s Burns Trust.

John Mewett, Marketing Director for Screwfix, said: “We believe that Pennies is a really simple and sustainable way to offer our ongoing support to Everyman. We know that the most common form of cancer in men is prostate cancer and Screwfix’s large male customer base allows us to really reach out. We believe that our customers pennies will quickly add up, magnifying the fundraising efforts of our staff to make a huge difference to the great work that Everyman does.”

‘We are really pleased Screwfix has chosen to support the Everyman appeal through Pennies, and hope customers will get involved in this great initiative’ said Nicola Ashby, Corporate Fundraising Executive, The Institute of Cancer Research

Alison Hutchinson, CEO of The Pennies Foundation, commented: “We are thrilled that Screwfix has become the fourth retailer this month to join the Pennies movement.  It is wonderful to introduce micro-donations to a new audience in support of the Everyman appeal, which resonates so well with Screwfix customers.”

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