Your micro-donations help protect the welfare and safety of vulnerable children

When give micro-donations via Pennies you’re helping NSPCC to provide important services and supporting their campaigns to raise awareness of child welfare. So far, £10,000 has been raised for the NSPCC through Pennies.

Posted by Pennies

Published 10 April, 2012

As well as providing vital services, many of the charities benefiting from the donations you make through Pennies dedicate their time to raising awareness of important issues.

The NSPCC is one of the charities to share 25% of every donation, which means that every time you decide to give through Pennies you’re helping them provide important services and supporting their campaigns to raise awareness of child welfare. So far, £10,000 has been raised for the NSPCC through Pennies.

For twenty years, the NSPCC’s helpline service has been a point of call for people worried about the safety or welfare of a child. Callers contact the helpline about a range of concerns, from worries that a parent isn’t coping or noticing a child has been left alone at home for long periods of time.

However, figures from 2011 showed that over half the people who contacted the NSPCC that year had been worried about a child for at least a month before they made the call. To highlight this and to urge people to trust their instincts, the NSPCC launched a new campaign in March 2012 called ‘Don’t wait until you’re certain’. Part of the campaign is this video, made by the director of Misfits and Skins, Amanda Boyle.

Supporters can also get involved through a facebook app designed specifically for this campaign.

The donations you make through Pennies help the NSPCC deliver this campaign and support vital services like the helpline to advise concerned callers. The money raised so far for this charity is equivalent to the cost of helping helpline counsellors make 500 referrals to children’s services. These referrals can potentially protect 1,000 children so next time you decide to give through Pennies, think of the reach your spare change could be having.

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