
How Pennies can open up an opportunity for merchants to engage with their customers

Here at Pennies we are big believers that engaging with your customers and local communities’ leads to happier customers and better business. We are joining in the celebration this Get to Know Your Customers Day by sharing some insights and case studies to show why we believe engagement is super important!
Get to Know Your Customers Day

Posted by Pennies

Published 19 July, 2019

Here at Pennies we are big believers that engaging with your customers and local communities’ leads to happier customers and better business. We are joining in the celebration by sharing some insights and case studies to show why we believe engagement is super important!

Our Business Development Manager, Simon Barker has given us a little insight into how he thinks Pennies can help businesses engage and increase customers loyalty:

In our new consumer research44% of the UK public told us they would feel glad that a business offering Pennies was doing their bit for charity; and 26% of 16 to 35 year olds would increase visits to a retailer or business that offered them Pennies as a way to donate to charity.

Feedback evidences that Pennies offers a feel-good and simple way to make a difference and customers like being both thanked and informed on how their pennies are put to use. In this way Pennies can support greater customer satisfaction which in turn helps lead to greater customer loyalty. Happier customers means better business!

In our 2019 survey, we found that 73% of consumers think that businesses have a responsibility to do social good and 62% would donate their pennies if they knew it would make a noticeably positive difference. Many of our partners highlight the impact of customer donations and communicate to their customers and colleagues how their small digital change can make a meaningful difference within the community!

Results from Pennies Survey 2019

Whether it be engaging customers in the process of choosing their businesses charity partner like our friends Voisins in Jersey, writing blogs to share news on the latest charitable achievements like Medivet or sending out e-shots to update customers on their fundraising efforts, like Domino’s (who saw a marked increase in donations in the days afterwards); a little thank you can go a long long way.

We can help by working with our charity partners to explain how the money has been spent and helping to tell the stories of the impact. We understand how important it is to be transparent and clear about all the great work customers’ donations have funded. For us, it’s all about creating a community, a digital community that connects industries together and creates a huge difference.

Get your customers involved today and be a part of something bigger.

Read more from Pennies.


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