World Ovarian Cancer Day: Empowering survivors through the support of micro-donations

On World Ovarian Cancer Day, we want to spotlight the impactful partnership between Pennies and Rontec. Rontec customers have raised over £32K for Ovarian Cancer Action, funding vital research and raising crucial awareness.

Posted by Pennies

Published 7 May, 2024

Partnering with Pennies

Rontec, in collaboration with Pennies, has raised over £32K for Ovarian Cancer Action. This World Ovarian Cancer Day, we want to take the opportunity to thank Rontec’s generous customers for their small yet impactful donations supporting Ovarian Cancer Action, and Rontec’s dedicated colleagues for their efforts in promoting Pennies donations.

Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to the millions impacted by ovarian cancer around the world. Through Pennies partnership with Rontec, we have witnessed the incredible generosity of customers in raising vital funds to support Ovarian Cancer Action’s mission of funding research, raising awareness, and providing crucial support services to those affected by ovarian cancer.

Alexandria’s Story

Alexandria, a survivor turned researcher was diagnosed during her university days, a time when most young adults are envisioning their futures with optimism and excitement. Instead, Alexandria found herself grappling with a diagnosis that would alter the course of her life forever. Alexandria refused to let cancer define her and, she pursued her passion for science, earning a PhD in Cancer Studies and joining the Ovarian Cancer Research Centre.

“I was experiencing some really uncomfortable cramping sensations – I knew that this wasn’t normal for me. I was very, very persistent with the healthcare professionals.”- Alexandria.

Despite the challenges that lay ahead, Alexandria refused to let cancer define her. Through sheer determination and resilience, she navigated her way through treatment, emerging stronger and more determined than ever before.

Motivated by a desire to make an impact, Alexandria pursued a path of scientific inquiry, earning her PhD in Cancer Studies and joining the Ovarian Cancer Research Centre. Today, she leads groundbreaking research aimed at transforming our understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of ovarian cancer.

“I’m so happy to be working at the Ovarian Cancer Research Centre, Europe’s first ever centre dedicated to ovarian cancer research.” says Alexandria.

Micro-Donations Matter

Every penny raised to support Ovarian Cancer Action through Pennies partnerships, such as the collaboration with Rontec, brings them a step closer to breakthrough in research, improved treatments, and ultimately, more survivors.

By donating through Pennies, you’re helping to support charities like Ovarian Cancer Action and many other across UK, Ireland, and beyond, giving your small change a big purpose.

Just over ten minutes of micro-donations from Rontec customers can educate hundreds of women about Ovarian Cancer symptoms.

How you can benefit from Pennies

Join us today and be a part of the Pennies family. Together with corporate partners, we’re turning micro-donations into meaningful impact for charities across the UK, Ireland, and beyond. Let’s collaborate to maximize the impact of every penny.

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