Small change, big purpose: the brand new Pennies Impact Report 2015/16 is available now

Pennies’ mission is a simple one: to help raise more money for UK charities. After five and a half years, we’re collecting more micro-donations than ever, reaching more charities and making a bigger difference with every click, tap and press of the ‘donate’ button.

Posted by Pennies

Published 27 September, 2016

Pennies’ mission is a simple one: to help raise more money for UK charities. After five and a half years, we’re collecting more micro-donations than ever, reaching more charities and making a bigger difference with every click, tap and press of the ‘donate’ button.

With that in mind, we’re delighted to be launching our brand new impact report this month and to tell the story of how your small change is being given a big purpose through Pennies. You may recall our 2014 report – it was the first time we’d created such a report, focused on the front-line social impact Pennies micro-donations are making.

For our 2015/16 report, we’ve delved even deeper to offer an in-depth look at the growing reach of Pennies: from a look at how the movement works and how our work is funded, to a study of what a few pennies can mean for charities like Cancer Research UK, Age UK and Walking with the Wounded.

This year’s report also features some inspiring charity stories from a few of our partners: Cyclists Fighting Cancer, Wilderness Foundation UK and Teenage Cancer Trust. For more charity impact stories, you can also check out our impact story archive, right here on the Pennies website.

Through the digital charity box, we’re offering a new, data-free way for charities to collect donations and now more than ever, customers across the UK are making their digital pennies count and helping improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the charity sector. With well over 30 million donations made via Pennies to date, we want to say 30 million thank yous too – without the UK public embracing the micro-donation movement the way you have, we wouldn’t be able to celebrate such an incredible impact just five and a half years in.

Read the full report online right now by clicking here or by clicking on the front cover below. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the report too, so leave us a comment below and share on social media if you fancy – use the hashtag #PenniesCount to spread the word!

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