The Pennies Foundation has found that 9 in 10 adults in the UK give their coins to charity at least occasionally, but that this kind of giving seems to be on the wane.
This can be attributed to the finding that charity donation boxes are now seen less frequently on shop counters. Four in ten adults say that they see these boxes less frequently than they used to whilst 30% said they barely notice them at all anymore.
Commenting, Alison Hutchinson, CEO of The Pennies Foundation said: “The way that we shop is changing. We are paying for things more often with cards not cash and using the internet more frequently too. That’s exactly where Pennies, the electronic charity box comes in, a way of giving those pennies when you pay by card in a shop or online – a new channel for an old habit.”
Research commissioned by The Pennies Foundation and carried out by Markettiers4DC in early/mid October on a population of 1513 UK adults.