

w Supporting Partners Akoova. Akoova’s partnership with Pennies enables retail clients using the Magento 2 platform to build micro-donations into their e-commerce journey, making a real impact for great causes. Partner type:E-commerce delivery partner...


 Payments + tech Salesforce. A free and simple checkout integration, providing your customers with the easiest way to give to charity when they shop. Partner type:E-commerce Website:Salesforce AppExchange › Benefits of the Salesforce Commerce Cloud extension. ...
Blue Train Marketing

Blue Train Marketing

Fintech marketing with impact, Blue Train are key Pennies partners, providing expert marketing and SEO support to drive the micro-donation movement.



 Payments + tech Flooid. Market-leading unified commerce platform, Flooid, is offering top-tier retailers an easy way to grow their social impact in partnership with Pennies. Partner type:Point of sale Website:Flooid › Thanks to a strong partnership and joint product...


 Payments + tech Oracle. Oracle Payments partners with Pennies to enable consumer micro-donations for high-street retail and hospitality businesses. Partner type:In-store payments Website:Oracle › Oracle Payments has partnered with Pennies since 2017, enabling...