
Consumers hit 150 million micro-donations with Pennies

Pennies has now reached the huge landmark of 150 million micro-donations. This milestone is made all the more significant as growth in giving has accelerated in the last two years, weathering the worst of the Covid pandemic, when many retailers and hospitality partners were closed for business.
Pennies reaches the 150 million micro-donations milestone

Posted by Pennies

Published 5 September, 2022

The undeniable generosity of consumers in the UK and Republic of Ireland at checkout continues to grow the micro-giving movement, as they spend, shop and socialise.

Pennies has now reached the huge landmark of 150 million micro-donations – a milestone made all the more significant as growth in giving has not only accelerated in the last two years (by around 50% compared to the first nine years), but also weathered the worst of the Covid pandemic, when many retailers and hospitality partners were closed for business.

Pennies CEO Alison Hutchinson CBE said:

When we started Pennies back in 2011, we were always ambitious and optimistic, and it’s with huge pride that we thank the absolutely wonderful UK, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man and Jersey public for reaching this incredible milestone. We know it’s not easy at the moment – for anyone – but customers keep responding generously to charities at checkout, because they know helping people and environments in dire need is something we can all do, little and often.

Consumers hit 150m micro-donations with Pennies

In March of this year, Hutchinson stated that 2022 has indeed become the “year of the micro”, and this way of giving looks to be a deep-set trend for UK customers, for clear reasons, as the cost-of-living crisis beds in and bites in the coming months.

Pennies would not be able to achieve all it does without the combined efforts and support of its retail, hospitality, technology, fintech and charity partners. Together, we can change lives – and harness the real potential of £1bn being raised each year for many different, and vital, causes; all it takes is every UK card holder giving just 35p every week when we shop, spend and socialise.

Learn more about Pennies micro-donations and the technology

Pennies works hand in hand with retailers, charities and payments technology providers to unlock the potential for thousands of customers to donate every day. Together we increase the amount businesses can give back to their local communities – by tapping into the industry-wide move to digital payments.

Find out here how you can implement digital micro-donations in your customer journey, unlocking technology for good.

Read more from Pennies.


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