Animal lovers help Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation with conservation efforts

February 2016 marked the point where customers of the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, were able to pitch in and help raise funds for the park’s charitable foundation.

Posted by Pennies

Published 3 October, 2019

February 2016 marked the point where customers of the UK’s No.1 walk-through wildlife adventure, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, were able to pitch in and help raise funds for the park’s charitable foundation.

Yorkshire Wildlife Park (YWP) added the Pennies donation option to their ticket kiosks in early 2016, allowing their customers to add a 50p donation in support of Yorkshire Wildlife Park Foundation (YWPF) when paying by card for their park admission.

YWP is home to 400 vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered animals. The Foundation works in the UK and internationally to promote and advance the conservation and welfare of endangered wildlife both in their natural habitat and in captivity, as well as educating and inspiring animal lovers.

All the difference to endangered lemurs

Thanks to support from YWPF, a new school and research centre is currently being built in Madagascar – part of an international programme to save critically endangered lemurs in their native country.

The effects of slash-and-burn land clearing and hunting have devastated lemur populations. AEECL, (a charitable consortium of European zoos and universities) works to raise awareness of the importance of conservation, build schools, fund schoolteachers, restore forests and improve the economy, and began this building project in Madagascar as part of their dedication to lemur conservation. YWPF have committed to support the project with key funding for the next three years.

Endangered lemurs

The scheme’s success is crucial to the survival of the species whose numbers have dipped to below 1,000. This project offers great hope for the local community providing work, schools and economic boosts from ecotourism and the combination will promote the importance of conservation to both the lemurs and the people.

Cheryl Williams, Foundation trustee

The YWPF work doesn’t just stop there, the lemurs are part of the many projects the foundation are proud to put their name to. The YWPF are also currently funding a three year £34,500 African reserve initiative to protect the lions. The project is helping to pay for a wide variety of new things at the reserve including monitors, cameras and even the recruitment of more rangers.

Your adventure supports their future

Since launch, your digital donations at Yorkshire Wildlife Park have raised nearly £60,000 for charity. These extra funds raised by visitors help the Foundation continue their amazing work and support projects across the globe to support and protect endangered wildlife, like lemurs.

You can join in by adding a small donation when visiting Yorkshire Wildlife Park and make a difference to the vulnerable and endangered animals at the park and around the world.

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