Over £4.8 Million Raised for Macmillan Cancer Support from Pennies Micro-Donations

Since first partnering with Macmillan Cancer Support in 2013, a remarkable £4.8 million has been raised for the charity through more than 20 merchant partnerships with Pennies. The collaboration has made a huge contribution to Macmillan’s vital work, positively impacting lives like Debbie's.
Debbie, a beneficiary of the donations from Macmillan Cancer Support in collaboration with Pennies.

Posted by Pennies

Published 13 March, 2024

Partnering with Pennies

Macmillan Cancer Support has been a proud partner of Pennies since 2013. During this time, more than 20 merchants have supported the cancer support charity through Pennies micro-donations, including Boots Opticians, DFS, MFG, Toolstation, Tyl by NatWest, Notcutts, Travelodge, Papa John’s, Greene King, Outdoor and Cycle Concepts, Adnams and Topps Tiles among others, These donations have raised an incredible £4.8 million for Macmillan Cancer Support to date, just a few pennies at a time.

This collaboration reflects the collective power of micro-donations, making a significant difference in the lives of individuals facing cancer. At the heart of this partnership lies the real stories of individuals like Debbie.

Debbie’s Story

Debbie embarked on an unforeseen journey when diagnosed with STAGE 3 Ovarian Cancer in August 2021. Amidst the uncertainty, Macmillan Cancer Support became a pillar of strength. Facing bloating and discomfort, Debbie’s journey started with a GP visit that led to a diagnosis of ovarian cancer . The Support Line at Macmillan Cancer Support became Debbie’s lifeline. Due to the nature of her diagnosis, she navigated a swift and aggressive treatment plan, including chemotherapy and surgery.

Macmillan Grants provided Debbie with £350 for transportation and another £350 for gas and electricity. These made a world of difference, allowing her to focus on recovery without the added stress of financial worries. Debbie was asked if she knew about Macmillan Cancer Support before;

“I used to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning every September when I worked in schools. Little did I know that one day I would be on the receiving end of this vital support. I couldn’t host them throughout my treatment, but my youngest daughter, who also works in a school, decided to take them on where I left off. That was so sweet of her!” – Debbie

Debbie hosting a Macmillan coffee morning.

Macmillan Cancer Support is a force for change, providing a lifeline for people like Debbie. Their commitment to everyone facing cancer is evident in the wide range of services offered – from Macmillan Grants that ease financial burdens to the Online Community, providing peer-to-peer support for over 90,000 members. The Macmillan Support Line ensures that those affected by cancer can access comprehensive support, including financial guidance, at every step of their journey.

For just £34 an hour, Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialists become pillars of support, treating health concerns, and promoting wellbeing.

Pennies & Macmillan Cancer Support – Lasting Impact

Beyond the numbers, the Pennies and Macmillan Cancer Support partnership has left a lasting impact. It’s about doing whatever it takes to help people with cancer live life as fully as they can, providing practical support, and creating a network of care that extends far beyond financial contributions.

The journey of individuals like Debbie is a reminder of the real impact that collective support can bring. Your spare change can create meaningful change in the lives of those facing cancer.

Donate with Pennies when you see the option at checkout or when paying at the till, and be a part of this transformative journey. Together, let’s ensure that everyone with cancer has access to the care and support they truly deserve.

Macmillan Cancer Support

How you can benefit from Pennies

Contact us today and become part of the Pennies family, where every micro-donation adds up to make a positive difference for charities across the UK and beyond. Let’s work together to make every penny count.

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